WHAT WE ARE about?

Our Vision

Adding healthcare solutions with innovative ideas as per the international standards in order to achieve a distinguished market position known of ability to develop and meet customer requirements.

Our Mission

To provide the healthcare and medical sector with unique and latest technology items which will add value to our customers.


After several years of development, EcoMed has became one of the largest designer and manufacturer of disposable hospital curtains in the world. We have helped our partners establish and lead the local market. We are happy that we’ve been growing up and being successful together with our partners .

We started with a simple idea—that every patient, staff and visitor should have well protection from infection in hospitals or other healthcare facilities. We’ve been working for years ever since to make that possible. We’re dedicated to applying the latest innovative technology to our disposable cubicle curtains to reduce and eliminate the infection unseen because we believe that the cubicle curtains with the latest technologies will radically change the way to balance hospital outlay and infection control!

Today we launched the new generation built-in antimicrobial disposable curtains, after the 1st generation untreated disposable curtains and the 2nd generation chemical bactericide spraying-on disposable curtains, the new generation bulit-in antimicrobial actives makes the antimicrobial effect last the life of curtains. It has unbelievably changed the way to prevent infection control.